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All the top investment banks like Goldman Sachs , J P morgan , Morgan Stanley works in concurrency concepts (as they deal with share prices). They supply candidate CVs, screen them and share them with purchasers to induce their feedback and schedule interviews. So if you read these books thoroughly and understand the concepts , then I am sure you will not have any trouble in java interviews or any competition involving java. This book is for those who want to show their mettle and have desire to learn every piece of java . So go ahead and buy this book if you want to pursue career in java . If you are pursuing career as a java developer , then this is the book you will surely going to enjoy . I think you will really need this book if you are really interested in learning java swing. I find it really enjoyable to start learning java with this book . Sometimes, it can take years before you can find your dream job, so be patient and consistent.

To find your accounting job, if you use a good company they should not charge you anything. Even if they are bored or unhappy at school, help them recognize that they can always find some interests that will enliven and entertain them. Kathy siera and bert bates , the writers of this book are one of the most respected people in the Java community. This book is co authored by Tim Peierle , Joshua Bloch (also author of effective java), Joseph Bowbeer , David Holmes and Dous Lea . The good thing about this book is that every class of java swing is given along with the method prototypes . This book speciality is that you can find many class diagrams along with well explained coding examples . This book has covered all the small tidbits about the common terms such as constructors , class , operators ,exceptions etc . This book is also not for a beginner . Thinking in java is a well written book by Bruce Eckel .

Valentine’s Day will soon be here, and we are all likely to be thinking of ways we can show our loved one’s just how much they really mean to us. The another great thing about this book is that topics are given and explained in a proper manner . What a great experience for you as well. But this book is well mastered in explaining how to use Java swing elements . For every possible element which you can use in GUI , there is an example of that in this book . This is the must read java book for beginners . To get maximum benefit ,you must read this book after reading either 1 or 2(mentioned above) . This book is must if you like to prepare concepts by writing code examples . Thus it becomes very easy for the java beginners to understand concept through images along with examples .

Every concept of java is explained with the help of images and diagrams . One just need to start reading the book and everything explained in the topic co-relates with the topics which are already discussed .This book also comes with a CD which contains all the sample papers of the OCJP exam . This book you should read after reading above 3 books so that you dont find difficulty in understanding concepts of concurrency. So you can read this after reading first two books that is Head First Java and SCJP 6 Sun Certified Programmer for Java. This is the first door to start moving your feet towards mastery in java . Other core java concepts has also been there in the book but it is better to pursue above mentioned books to get mastery on those topics. The above books we have discussed are good for preparing core java concepts . In the above books GUI or Java swing is not explained well , so for beginners you can read this. Every topic has been explained with the code example , so you are learning in a more practical way .